War of the Vikings Video Game Keygent Tool Free Download

War of the Vikings Video Game Keygent Tool Free Download is an action game developed at Fatshark and released by Paradox Interactive. It was developed by the same team that made War of the Roses. The game was announced at the Paradox Platypus Homecoming Event on 7 August 2013 in Sydney, Australia. War of the Vikings Keygent Tool was shown at Multiplay UK's Insomnia festival and at Gamescom August 2013. War of the Vikings was released on early access for War of the Roses: Kingmaker owners on 1 October 2013. The release date for War of the Vikings has been announced as 15 April 2014.
‘’War of the Vikings Keygent Tool’’ puts the player in control of a single, soldier fighting for either the Vikings or the Saxons. The player will be able to define the game character profile by choosing everything from armour style, heraldry, shield paintings, beards, armour, weaponry and perks. The game plays mainly in a third-person viewpoint and is a multiplayer game.
War of the Vikings Keygent Tool during the alpha, the player can choose from 3 character classes:. Warrior (Medium Class): An all-around warrior with medium armor, with a sword and shield, and throwing axes. Huscarl (Heavy Class): Heavily armored, with charged up attacks whose two-handed axe deals a lot of damage. Scout (Light Class): A ranged fighter who picks off enemies with a longbow, but carries a light axe for close-quarter combat.
The announcement notice said 'Developed by Fatshark, War of the Vikings Keygent Tool is a new standalone entry into the War-franchise that will pull players into the brutal and bloody Viking Age, challenging them to design a personalized warrior and sack England as a mighty Norseman – or defend it as a brave Saxon. Built on the same Close Quarter Combat-tech as War of the Roses; War of the Vikings Keygent Tool delivers the next generation of Paradox’s close quarter combat focused brands that moves the setting to the Viking Age.

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